Writing Sales Emails That… Y’Know… SELL

Getting confident with selling on email

Dear Josephine

I'd love your advice around selling on email. I've figured out selling on Instagram, and I feel relatively comfortable about doing that now. And it works - but it takes a lot of time and energy.

I'd love to focus on making my emails more of a sales driver - but when it comes to selling on email I freeze and it feels awkward.

How can I get comfortable with selling on email, like I have with Instagram? And how do I write a sales email without freezing and feeling icky?

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Dear, without-freezing-and-feeling-icky,

Feeling uncomfortable about selling on email 🤢 is SUUUUCH a common hurdle for people.

This was a *BIG* discussion in the latest run of my course...

Because when I reviewed everyone's sales emails I saw so~many~examples of people holding themselves back in their copy - for fear of 'coming across as salesy' 😱

...and as a result, writing emails that weren't going to sell...

The irony. 🤦‍♀️

So I'm going to share with you some of the tips I shared with them - because I want you to figure out selling on email just like you have with Instagram...

...because email is where's it at if you want to drive... 💸 sales

DITCH the apologetic sales language

In the latest live round of my course, when I reviewed my client's sales emails, I noticed a lot of apologetic selling...

And I get it - we're conditioned to play small, BE apologetic, and take up as liiiiittle space as possible. ...Which doesn't help us one little bit when it comes to selling 🤦

So, if you're putting any of these phrases in your emails... it's not doing you ANY favours...

  • 🧐 If you join [my course/ program etc]…

  • 🧐 You can [learn/ see etc]…

  • 🧐 I’m going to [teach/ show you etc]…

  • 🧐 I hope to [see you inside]/ I'd love to help you [overcome xyz and get closer to your goal]…

It all just feelssss a littlleeee APOLOGETIC?

Liiiike - I’m so sorry I’m showing up here in your inbox 🙈 to sell my course ~ which is actually awesome but I feel a bit weird about it. 😬

Lemmie tell ya! That up there ☝️DOESN'T work 😅

If you’re not showing up with CONFIDENCE and getting 100% behind the offer you’re selling - 😬 what’s that going to feel like to the reader?

It’s gonna feel a little 🎺 *womp womp*

Here are a few examples of how to flip the script and write assertive, confident, 'tell me where to buy' sales emails:

  • If you join [my course/ program etc] 👉 when you join [my course/ program etc]

  • You can [learn/ see etc] 👉 You will [learn/ see etc]

  • I’m going to [teach/ show you etc] 👉 I will [teach/ show you etc]

  • I hope to [see you inside]/ I'd love to help you [result of offer]] 👉 I can’t wait to see you inside and see you [overcome xyz and get closer to your goal]

A whole load more assertive, confident, and exciting - ammi rite?

Get in the right ENERGY for writing sales emails

I once heard that a big part of selling is communicating your enthusiasm for what you do.

When you’re coming across as confident, assertive and experienced in your emails - ✨ that’s when the magic happens.

But first you've *genuinely* gotta feel that way. So...

  • 📚 Read your client testimonials

  • 🏆 Look at your client results

  • 🧑‍💻 Re-read your product page

And use all of that awesomeness to help you get into a place where you feel like 😆 ‘OMG my people NEED to work with me - it’s going to be a game changer!’.

That’s the kind of energy you want coming through in your sales emails.

Get past the ick of selling in EVERY (yes every) email

  • 📱 If you think about posting three times on Instagram this week... how does that feel?

  • 💌 And what if I said you could send three emails this week - how would THAT feel?

For many of my clients the first one would feel fiiiine. Maybe even not nearly enough compared to their usual posting schedule.

But three emails in a week 😳 would bring a lot of people out in a cold sweat. 😅

But really is there any difference - between showing up on someone's feed three times a week, and in their inbox? Not really!

Because you've gotta remember your subscribers won't open and read every email you send (👀 just like they won't see every post you put out on IG).

The resistance I so often hear is ... 'I don't want to bombard my subscribers'.

But define 'bombard'.

Because I think you'll agree with me when I say it's not about the frequency, it's more about the content.

  • 🤎 If the content is interesting, useful, GOOD... and if they're selling something that's ~relevant~ to me... I don't mind if they rock up in my inbox daily.

  • ❌ If the content is... C.R.A.P... and their product is isn't useful or interesting to me... I don't want them in my inbox monthly.

So... here's a challenge designed to help you flex the muscle so you can overcome this fear... 🏆

🔥 I'm challenging you to send AT LEAST one email a week, AND to sell in EVERY~single~email.

Yup... every single one! ✅

Even if it's a PS. mention of your offer or waitlist in some of your emails.

If you're sending an email - it needs to have some kind of call to action.

Sure that might feel uncomfortable at first, but flex the muscle with mixing it up.

  • 💸 50% or more of your emails will be more overtly sales focussed

  • ⭐️ 50% or less of your emails with have a call to action linked within the text, or in the PS.

Before long it'll feel second nature, promise.

It's time to SHINE ✨ with your sales emails.

And I'm so excited for you to do so, because it's my favourite way to sell and create content.

I capture the inspiration for emails on my phone notes while I'm out on walks, I write emails in my pajamas, I write them from my garden. Very introvert friendly. 🙌

I'm rooting for you to take me up on my challenge 👆 and when you do... get ready to see more sales rolling in.

Josephine x


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